October 2, 2012


My husband will tell you that I tend to jump on Fadwagons (fad bandwagons) quite regularly. Most would say that is an insult but I'm taking the optomistic high-road and embracing my ability to try new things :P 

Really I'm just trying to find things that work for me and my lifestyle; which is how I came to find Paleo. In all of the information I've read, I've learned that Paleo should not be considered a "diet" in the way that we view Slim-Fast as a diet or HCG as a diet, but rather in the more traditional sense as: "The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats". Paleo is viewed as a lifestyle change which goes against the modern McDonald's & Coca-Cola mentality that we've all grown up with. I like the idea of something that I can try to sustain long term instead of suffer through for 30, 60 or 90 days at a time.

For those that have been living under a rock - Paleo is also known as the "Cave Man" diet. The basic idea behind Paleo is if you can Kill It or Grow It then you can Eat It. Obviously this leaves a lot of items up for interpretation, and there starts the rationalization: "Well I can grow wheat and turn it into flour, so why can't I eat bread?". Sorry no - think more troglodyte, and less Aztec; Really get back to your roots - literally

Basics of Paleo (as gathered from various online sources)
- No Sugar - no forms of sugar - including pretty much anything that ends in the suffix "-ose"..glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.

- No Grains - includes breads, pastas, noodles

- No Legumes - includes beans & peanuts

- No Dairy **this seems to be a point of dispute for many authors in the bloggosphere. I intend to read more about this but for now I'm non-dairy

- Things to Eat:
           - Veggies
           - Meat
           - Nuts
           - Good Oils (coconut, avocado, fish)
           - Fruit (select fruits)

- Avoid Caffeine
- Drink Lots of Water
- Avoid Alcohol

Obviously there are a lot more details that go with the above bullet points but these are the ones I've committed to memory. I'm by no means an expert at Paleo; there is still a lot to learn, and it seems like there are a lot of conflicting information about certain Paleo theories, but I'll continue to do my research on the topic, and find things that work for me and my lifestyle. Stay tuned for info on recipes, failures, successes, etc.

Are you trying Paleo? How is it going?

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