July 31, 2012

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

INSANITY, the newest workout craze by the folks over at beachbody.com, has officially arrived. Yes those late-night infomercials finally made me feel bad enough about my current physical state so I jumped on the bandwagon like so many others. For only $30 - yes you read that correctly - $30 on craigslist.com I was able to find a brand new, unopened Insanity set of my very own.

Within 3 minutes of it's arrival I found my very first excuse to impede my progress - lame! The next 2 weekends I'll be out of town so I won't be able (or willing) to follow the program during that time. Yes I know I'm just exacerbating my current weight/workout issues. However I have developed a plan <--(insert diabolical laugh here).

I'm going to do a "pre-insanity" workout program for the next 2 weeks until I can devote the full, uninterrupted 60 days needed for optimal results. I see this as being beneficial in two ways: 1) I'll be able to build a routine for preparing/shopping/eating 5 meals a day. AND 2) I'll be giving my body additional time to adjust to these workouts. Since this program is known to be the "hardest thing known to man" I see these first 2 weeks as an opportunity to get in shape for REALLY getting in shape. In my mind it all makes sense.

Hopefully this program modification will still be beneficial for me. I'll be posting my progress, meal plans, and helpful beginner tips here so you all can learn from my mistakes/successes. Here goes nothing!

Have you done Insanity? Any tips for a novice?

I admit to being a STACHIST

There is no explanation as to where my fascination came for the stash but for my love I am not abashed. So here it is, in all its glory a quick hairy poem, or mustache story…

How I wish I could grow a mustache,
so that people could see me as cool.
With a fashionable style, a furry smile,
the ladies would drown in their drool.

Oh I wish I could grow a mustache,
so that people could think me a man.
I would work on a farm, have a rugged charm,
and probably drive a white van.

I wish I could form a mustache,
maybe people would think I was snappy.
I would keep it in trim, I would go to the gym,
with some hair on my lip, I’d be happy.

How I long, and long, for a mustache,
so people could think I was smart.
I would hypothesise, that a mustache is wise,
and then show my results, in a chart.

I wish I could own a mustache,
so that people could think me their friend.
With a jolly old tash, I would sure be a smash,
and a man on which you could depend.

But alas, I cannot grow a mustache,
my face is unfavourably bare.
And now I have disclosed, that my lip is exposed,
‘til I can, a fake mustache, I wear.
-Jason Longwell

Insane in the Membrane

Just got Insanity in the mail yesterday! Can't wait to get started with this program. Stay tuned for progress results, recipes, and I'm sure a few "F" bombs...

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